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The (Fe)male customer

2021 - 65 Min

„Ich will nie als Frauenrechtlerin bezeichnet werden
– ich bin Feministin!” – Marlies Krämer

Die Kundin Film

What can I do as an individual? It's not an easy question, but anyone who reaches for their ID card in Germany will find the answer there. In 1990, Marlies Krämer decided not to sign her new papers, as only the male variant “Inhaber“ (holder, male term in german) was in the signature field. Nationwide she collected signatures until the legislature decided to recognize her and thus all women as “Inhaberin” (holder, female term in german).


Today the 84-year-old is fighting against the banking system. She asks her Bank “Sparkasse” to be recognized as “Kundin” (customer, female term in german). A symbolic dispute against the patriarchal system. Who is this strong woman? Who is she fighting for at her age? Where does she get her strength from?

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